Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Save Money This Easter

Hello everyone! The Pawn Princess here- just dropping in to help you all prepare for Easter this year! With the holiday just around the corner, many families are wondering what they can do to create a perfect and practical Easter celebration in their home. Fortunately, I’m quite the expert when it comes to these things, and given that, I have a couple ideas to share with you from Easter’s past that will undoubtedly serve to enhance your celebration with your family this year. Here are some simple tips to a perfect Easter:

Take Advantage of All the Family-Orientated Community Events

Easter is a great time of year simply for all the free family activities that can be found within the local community. Many churches and community centers host free plays, Easter egg hunts, or family days that are an excellent way to get out of the house and make some memories together without putting a strain on your pocketbook. Make Easter weekend a unique one by hitting up some of these once a year events.

Enjoy Natural Beauty

One of the most spectacular things about Easter is that by the time it rolls around, it really feels like we’ve turned a corner into spring. Lots of times pussy-willows can be found on the trees, and the smell of spring is in the air. Keep with the theme of new life and take a nature walk in a local ravine or down a nice trail. If you like traditions, you can even incorporate this into your yearly Easter celebrations (trust me, it feels great after Easter dinner). Few things are more perfect than a nice spring stroll with those you love- it’s a really simple and enjoyable way to grow closer to one another.

Eat a Lighter Meal

Of course the trend these days is to scale back portion wise when it comes to meals in order to pay attention to the ol’ waist size. When planning this year’s Easter meal- consider that. Make or buy less desserts and cut back on the heavy foods on your table. Also, release yourself from the pressure of having to cook absolutely everything. Focus on a few favourite dishes and forget the rest. Not only will your tummy thank you, but your bank account will too.

Keep It Simple

One thing about big family celebrations is that they sure don’t have to be intricate to be memorable. Somehow, getting a large group of people who are related to each other together under one roof really goes a long way in creating some memories, if you know what I mean. Nothing can outshine the- lets call it excess of personality- that families seem to inherently have. So instead of trying to compete with this by hosting an elaborate meal, fussing over many decorations, or trying to be the perfect host – embrace it! Make the family the main event, since trust me they’re going to be anyways.

These are just a few tips that I’ve found are helpful along the way in creating the perfect Easter celebration. Do you have any tips of your own? What does a perfect Easter celebration look like in your home? Tell us in the comments below! 

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