Friday, 5 April 2013

Three Great Items For Pawn Loans In Your Home Right Now

Short on cash? Need a bit of extra dough to tie you over? In times like that, many people turn to pawn loans as a great way to quickly get the cash you need to help you get through to your next pay day. At Cash Canada Financial, pawn loans are our specialty. Obviously! We want to get you the money you need when you need it, and we’re serious about that. So that’s why we’re going to help you out right now. We’re going to do you a favour here – we’re going to give you some ideas on what items you might have inside your home that will be optimal to pawn. Ever wondered what the secret is to a great pawn item? Well, wonder no more because we’re ready to dish out.


Gold is one of the best items to pawn – hands down. Why is this, you ask? Because of the nature of gold, we are able to determine its actual value before we lend you money against it. There really is no guesswork involved, which means as long as you pay your loans back, you’ll always be able to get the same amount of money on your gold when you bring it in to pawn. Not only this, but we feel confident lending you more on gold than other items, because the value of gold is a more or less steady assurance. 

New, Brand Name Electronics

While we can’t lend you as much on electronics as we can on gold, if the electronic you are bringing in is relatively new and popular, we can use it to help you get the money you need. Clean, charged and well working electronics are best. Make sure that, whatever item you bring, you are able to turn it on! If we can see that it works, we can lend you money on it!

Power Tools

Power tools, especially clean ones and desirable brand names, are a very great choice to bring in to the store. When you bring them, make sure you don’t forget any batteries, chargers and accessories. Not only does bringing a tool in with the complete package increase its value, but it is also necessary for us to make sure the tool is in working order before we lend on it.

Multiple Items

It doesn’t matter how much money you are trying to get- it is always great to bring in multiple items when you come in. If you have two gold chains – bring them both. If you have an electronic and a power tool, bring them both. Spreading your loan out amongst several items makes it easy for you to get your items back out of pawn. We want you to get your stuff back! So bring in several items that you won’t miss for a while, and spread out your loan amongst all of them. 

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