Monday, 17 June 2013

Wish It Forward Fund

Cash Canada has long been in the business of supporting the communities we're active in through fundraising and non-profit initiatives. Well, because of the substantial way in which our business has grown, we are now able to do this on an even larger scale. Our desire is to lend a helping hand to individuals, families and organizations that need support.

In order to do this, we have created the Wish It Forward Fund. I - ladies and gentlemen- am the spokesperson for this fund. I guess they like me a little bit over at Cash Canada! The mission of this initiative is to "spread kindness one act at a time." So far we've already done some kindness spreading- we gave a laptop to a lady who needed one for school but couldn't afford it, we bought some baby formula for an expectant mother, and we set up a Christmas tree and provided a TV and video games as a Christmas gift to a family who couldn't afford it. 

This is a grassroots movement with no administration fees attached. It is simply our company trying to find ways to do good in the world. In fact, 100% of the funds raised through our special sales and fundraising efforts go straight into our efforts to do good.

Keep your eyes peeled so you can be a part of all the good we hope to do!

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