Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Get Nailed: 5 Tips for Summer Building Projects

If there is one thing you can be sure of it's that you can't build your fence in the Winter time. No, no. You can't build your fence, repair your deck or make a treefort for the kids in the heart of January. Really, there is only one season where the air is warm enough and the days long enough to tackle this type of project: summer. So to help you make the most of the short days available for all of your summer ambitions, we've compiled a list of 5 great building project tips.

1) Make a Self Build Schedule
You know that old saying, "if you fail to plan, you plan to fail." Well - don't let this happen to you. There is nothing worse than staring out at a half finished project all winter, or having a weekend project stretch out over the whole summer. So before you even hammer that first nail, make sure you throw together a little timeline to keep you on track.

2) Get the Proper Equipment
We know you could probably McGuyver anything to do the trick in a bind, but not only does it take more time - it is usually unnecessary. If you can't afford to buy the right saw/sander/drill/level or anything else ask around, because one of your friends, neighbours or family members probably has what you're looking for. Just do yourself a favour and amass all the right tools before you get going- this way you won't run into any unnecessary delays.

3) Know the Code
We've all heard horror stories of someone building a beautiful fence only to be forced to take it down because it didn't match the code or regulations for the area they lived in. Don't be that guy. Read up on what all the rules are in your subdivision, city or town before you get going, and get the necessary approvals in advance if you need to.

4) Measure Twice, Cut Once
This one is so basic it's funny to put it in writing - but seriously! Many construction heartbreaks can be avoided by taking that extra time to double check your work before going all the way.

5) Get a Team Together
No one wants to go it alone- it's more fun, quicker and probably better for the final outcome if you bring a couple of friends together to help you. Not only does it build community (it's a great way to get to know your neighbours) but it makes the work better. Recruit people to help you build, and allow yourself to be recruited when others need help. Together we can build awesome things.

You might be thinking "Princess... what do you know about building projects?" But as you can see, even a Princess knows a thing or two about how to make something awesome. Hope you have fun in your backyards this summer, or wherever your building projects may take you. Remember, if you need extra tools for the job we've probably got what you need at one of our Cash Canada locations. We always have many tools on hand, so come on down and take a look!

Monday, 17 June 2013

Wish It Forward Fund

Cash Canada has long been in the business of supporting the communities we're active in through fundraising and non-profit initiatives. Well, because of the substantial way in which our business has grown, we are now able to do this on an even larger scale. Our desire is to lend a helping hand to individuals, families and organizations that need support.

In order to do this, we have created the Wish It Forward Fund. I - ladies and gentlemen- am the spokesperson for this fund. I guess they like me a little bit over at Cash Canada! The mission of this initiative is to "spread kindness one act at a time." So far we've already done some kindness spreading- we gave a laptop to a lady who needed one for school but couldn't afford it, we bought some baby formula for an expectant mother, and we set up a Christmas tree and provided a TV and video games as a Christmas gift to a family who couldn't afford it. 

This is a grassroots movement with no administration fees attached. It is simply our company trying to find ways to do good in the world. In fact, 100% of the funds raised through our special sales and fundraising efforts go straight into our efforts to do good.

Keep your eyes peeled so you can be a part of all the good we hope to do!

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Boys Will Be Boys Contest

Well, well, well, if it isn't all of my friends in the Pawn Kingdom! Thanks for stopping by today to my little blog (which I hope you'll share with your friends by the way). Today I want to talk to you about the Boys Will Be Boys Contest I'm currently running.

Now - you all know how much fun the Pawn Princess for A Day Contest was. (Or at least I hope you do, because if you didn't know about it or get involved, let me just say, you sure missed out!) Last month we spent a couple of weeks pouring through all the submissions of the adorable little princesses out there while you guys all voted for them. Then from all of the eligible entries we drew a winner! That little princess will get an expense paid trip with her mom to Edmonton and a luxury weekend for the both of them. Plus they'll get to hang out with meeeeee!!! (We all know that's the real prize here, right?)

Anyway, that was so much fun we figured we'd better give the boys something to compete for as well! No one loves a competition as much as men do- so boys, this one is for you! Post a picture of your best father-son duo (or could be stepfather/uncle etc). Once your entry gets 10 votes you'll be automatically entered into the drawing to win an expense paid trip to Edmonton with accommodations at the Fantasyland hotel, admission tickets to the great attractions as West Edmonton Mall, and a $500 spending spree (plus lots of other REALLY COOL STUFF). Don't wait! Share this link, submit your photo, and get voting!

Good luck guys!

Monday, 13 May 2013

Gearing Up for May Long

Hello friends in the Pawn Kingdom! It's your esteemed Pawn Princess here just dropping in to check up on you as you make your plans for the May Long Weekend! Ah, that May Long weekend. If any long weekend was a breath of fresh air, it's this one. It seems to me that no matter what is happening or what the weather is like, somehow the May Long Weekend always seems to have a knack for truly signifying the start of summer. I want you all to enjoy your upcoming long weekend so much, so I'm here to give you some great tips.

Book Those Campsites Early

There's nothing worse than discovering on Thursday or Friday night that the place you want to camp is completely booked up. So do yourself a favour and book a site today! Many campsite will take payment over the phone, so you can be sure to secure your spot in advance.

Staying Home? Make it a Productive Weekend!

If you're not going camping but are going to stick around the city for May Long, use the extra time to get some stuff off of your to-do list. You'll feel so good about yourself! Set aside part of one day - Saturday, Sunday, Monday, you name it - and commit a few hours to finishing a project that keeps nagging you. Then you'll be able to enjoy your weekend knowing you made the most of it and you won't have that mental strain of thinking "I SHOULD do this" because you'll have already done it!

If You Need Cash, Find Some Items to Pawn!

Maybe you're planning to do some home repairs, perhaps you want to head out to the lake and get a great campsite, or maybe you're doing a road trip! Whatever it is that you plan to do on the long weekend, if you need some extra cash to get ready for it know that we're always here for you and would love to help you out and get you the money you need so you can really make the most of your weekend.

Think of Cash Canada When Shopping For Your Supplies

We probably have everything you need in store for an amazing long weekend - whatever your plans may be. We have lawn equipment if you want to do lawn care, we have tools, we have sporting equipment. Do you need a tent? A BBQ? Whatever you need, there is a pretty high chance we have it either at your local store or at the Sales Centre. So make a trip down and let the treasure hunt commence! You'll get a better deal at one of our stores than anywhere else, and you know that's the truth!

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Pawn Princess for a Day!

It is my firm belief that every girl deserves to be a princess for at least a day. As a professional princess myself I can tell you that nothing is more exciting than putting on that long shimmery gown and touring the Pawn Kingdom in style. It truly is an experience like none other and that's why - once a year- I like to invite a mom and daughter duo to come along with me. I love seeing the excitement and the experience through the eyes of a child.

This always brings me to a certain conundrum: how will I decide just who to bring? I love everyone so much that it is impossible to narrow it down to just one mother daughter team. And so, I have devised a contest. All you have to do is upload a photo and when it receives 10 likes in the voting category, it will be automatically entered into the draw.

You could win an entire mother daughter getaway which includes transportation to Edmonton, luxury hotel, breakfast in bed, and a limo tour of the pawn kingdom.

Tell everyone you know and get involved! It is my favourite contest of the year and I just want everyone to take part. Enter here: http://woobox.com/gfjedu

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

4/20 Sale and Contest

I love celebrating things - so I thought to myself, what can I celebrate in April? I know it's a little unorthodox but... I want to celebrate 4/20. Sure, you thinking it's not a real holiday. But you know what? I'm a princess and I can do what I want. So I'm making it a celebration.

Come down to the store and take advantage of the awesome 4/20 sales we've got going on. And don't forget to enter my little 4/20 Facebook contest so you can win yourself 20,000 Pawn Princess Loyalty Rewards Points. I'll be giving away 20,000 points to 4 winners every day up until 4/20.

Celebrate good times, c'mon!

Friday, 5 April 2013

Three Great Items For Pawn Loans In Your Home Right Now

Short on cash? Need a bit of extra dough to tie you over? In times like that, many people turn to pawn loans as a great way to quickly get the cash you need to help you get through to your next pay day. At Cash Canada Financial, pawn loans are our specialty. Obviously! We want to get you the money you need when you need it, and we’re serious about that. So that’s why we’re going to help you out right now. We’re going to do you a favour here – we’re going to give you some ideas on what items you might have inside your home that will be optimal to pawn. Ever wondered what the secret is to a great pawn item? Well, wonder no more because we’re ready to dish out.


Gold is one of the best items to pawn – hands down. Why is this, you ask? Because of the nature of gold, we are able to determine its actual value before we lend you money against it. There really is no guesswork involved, which means as long as you pay your loans back, you’ll always be able to get the same amount of money on your gold when you bring it in to pawn. Not only this, but we feel confident lending you more on gold than other items, because the value of gold is a more or less steady assurance. 

New, Brand Name Electronics

While we can’t lend you as much on electronics as we can on gold, if the electronic you are bringing in is relatively new and popular, we can use it to help you get the money you need. Clean, charged and well working electronics are best. Make sure that, whatever item you bring, you are able to turn it on! If we can see that it works, we can lend you money on it!

Power Tools

Power tools, especially clean ones and desirable brand names, are a very great choice to bring in to the store. When you bring them, make sure you don’t forget any batteries, chargers and accessories. Not only does bringing a tool in with the complete package increase its value, but it is also necessary for us to make sure the tool is in working order before we lend on it.

Multiple Items

It doesn’t matter how much money you are trying to get- it is always great to bring in multiple items when you come in. If you have two gold chains – bring them both. If you have an electronic and a power tool, bring them both. Spreading your loan out amongst several items makes it easy for you to get your items back out of pawn. We want you to get your stuff back! So bring in several items that you won’t miss for a while, and spread out your loan amongst all of them.